Freddy Reiber

Picture of Freddy Reiber

Hi! I am Freddy Reiber, a third year PhD student in the Computing & Data Science program at Boston University

Broadly I am interested in 2nd order questions about how society influences technology and how technology influences society. My research focuses on applying human-focused methods to analyze the political and economic power structures encoded in technology and how technology can reinforce them.

Previously I have worked in areas like:

Like any PhD student, I like to do a lot but often don't have time. Most of those activities are detailed here:

Currently, I co-organize a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional reading group on topics relating to political economy and computer science. The webpage for the group is available here, which provides a list of readings and topics for those who are interested in the space.

I have also run a number of service and educational programs within both my current university and undergraduate university. Access to those projects is available here.

If you are interested in seeing my research work an often outdated listing my papers are available here.

For recordings of some of my talks/lectures see here.

I also have a personal blog Tiny Thoughts and Big Ideas. The blog mostly focuses on technology and its impact and intersection with power, although I refer to it as a post-data science blog. :/

My former/mostly defunct blog about looking at modern board games through a theoretical computer science lens is available here: "The Board Game Scholar".

For things that I think are cool, but don't really fit any of the above, I also maintain a page that is available here!

I am a proud member and organizer of both BDSA - Boston Democratic Socialists of America, and BUGUW: Boston University Graduate Workers Union.

Finally, here is my social media and contact information. Note that these communities are often connected with my hobbies or academic interests. Also I have done my best to update Goodreads and BGG, but the lists are not complete.